IndieReview Behind The Scenes Internet Radio 100,000 Listeners Arts Festival!
Hello Everyone! Today we are celebrating IndieReview Behind The Scene's Internet Radio having crossed the mark in 100,000 total listens! Various talents such as authors and musicians have come together to help celebrate this wonderful event! In order to join in on the Festival events please go to IndieReview Behind The Scenes 100,000 Listeners Arts Festival! on Face Book, check out the Authors Excerpt Reading videos, Exclusive music performance and interview and live chat sessions with music and publishing talents via Face Book chat and Twitter! The Mission for this event: To celebrate the milestone of IndieReview Behind The Scenes which was launched on March 13, 2012 reaching 100,000 total listens! The IndieReview Behind The Scenes 100,000 Listeners Arts Festivals is a spotlight feature of the talented Artists that made this possible. Platforms: Blog Tour Hosts, Twitter, Face Book! Congratulations IndieReview Behind The Scenes Internet Radio!
IndieReview Behind The Scenes Internet Radio goes behind the scenes of book publishing and entertainment. Interviews with Authors,Musicians,Artists. Book reviews, Rock reviews & more! It's purpose? To be An Artist's Haven. Click here to check out radio segments! Event begins at 7:00pm Central Standard Time Hosts for IndieReview Behind The Scenes Internet Radio 100,000
Listeners Arts Festival!

Author Marilyn Almodovar

Author Nikki Colligan

Author Heather McCorkle

and very special interview and performance by Goth Rock Artist Cecile Monique!
Special thank-you to VBT Cafe Virtual Tours (Author/Media Consultant BK Walker)
VBT Cafe(Virtual Book Tours)
and all the wonderful hosts(bloggers) for tonight's event!
Special Message from IndieReview Behind The Scenes Internet Radio Founder/Producer/Host-
Michelle Cornwell-Jordan
I first wish to thank my co-host Jamie White, who has been with me from the beginning! In order to have a 100,000 listens, that means that was a lot of shows! Jamie has weathered packed calendars, last-minute changes and moments when the unexpected happens and if there is no guest..."we simply go with the flow" and of course standing firm during all the tech challenges we have endured! :O) Much thanks and gratitude!
Big thanks to the newer IndieReview Behind The Scenes Internet Radio hosts, Cp Bialois, Ronda Caudill, guest host BK Walker, and former host Author Sybil Nelson... thank-you for being great sports by jumping into the craziness and bringing fantastic content that causes the listeners to want to come back again and again!
Love and Hugs to all those who have clicked on the button to listen to our show, we appreciate each and every one of you!Thanks to BlogTalk radio for providing the platform and for the four Featured spots that we were given over this last year!
And huge, HUGE gratitude and thanks to the Authors and the Musicians who have come and spoken with us regarding their dreams, goals, visions! Thanks!
I hope you guys can stop by and join in the fun, and like I say every time I end a show...
I hope you have an awesome day, why? Because YOU deserve it!